Who can file a report?

Everyone working for or on behalf of Sodexo can file a report. It is also open to any party with whom our Company has or has had some type of business relationship (such as business partners, suppliers, shareholders, agents, distributors, representatives and consumers) who wish to raise a concern about possible misconduct.

How to file a report?

In case you suspect misconduct and genuinely believe that the matter cannot be dealt with through the available channels, you can use the Sodexo Speak Up Ethics Line Service. This gives you the opportunity to raise concerns confidentially and in your own language. Sodexo Speak Up Ethics Line is run by an independent third party and is available 24/7, 365 days a year.

Confidentiality and non-retaliation

Any person who Speak Up are protected. Please feel confident that you will not suffer for raising concerns in good faith about suspected misconduct. Any form of threat or retaliation will not be tolerated. Retaliation is treated as a disciplinary matter.

You can share your concerns anonymously (where allowed by the laws of your country). We do, however, encourage you to reveal your identity as it is more difficult, and in some circumstances even impossible, for us to investigate reports that are made anonymously.

After you have completed your report (online or by phone) you will receive a unique code called an “access number”. This number can be used to call back or access the Sodexo Speak Up website to check the progress on your report.

Review and investigations

All reports received by Sodexo are logged into a case management system. Depending on the nature, urgency and potential impact of your report, the case will be handled by the appropriate case manager.

The reports will be processed within a reasonable timeframe between three and six months, in particular so that the appropriate measures are taken, regardless of the persons concerned.

If you believe that your concern or a concern raised against you has not been handled appropriately or that an investigation has not been performed correctly, please inform the Group Ethics Officer.

Sodexo Group Ethics Office:

255 quai de la Bataille de Stalingrad 92866 Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex 9 – France

More Information:

Before proceeding with a report, we encourage you to read our guide:

Denis Machuel

“We will always respect you and protect you for having the courage to live our standards”


Group Chief Executive Officer

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